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Fig. 2 | Genome Biology

Fig. 2

From: Disruption of metazoan gene regulatory networks in cancer alters the balance of co-expression between genes of unicellular and multicellular origins

Fig. 2

Measuring divergence in co-expression between WGCNA modules from tumors and normal tissues. A Demonstration of calculation of module novelty scores based on overlap in gene content between tumor and normal co-expression modules. B Fraction of UC-enriched (pink), mixed UC-MC (green), and MC-enriched (blue) modules with high, moderate, or low novelty, combined across all 16 TCGA cohorts with matching normal tissue data. C Distribution of novelty scores for tumor modules enriched in unicellular genes (UC-enriched; pink), containing a mix of unicellular and multicellular genes (mixed UC-MC; green) or enriched in multicellular genes (MC-enriched; blue). Data are combined across all 16 TCGA cohorts with matching normal tissue data. D Average edge weights for the edges between pairs of unicellular genes (UC-UC; pink), between unicellular and multicellular genes (UC-MC; green), and between pairs of multicellular genes (MC-MC; blue), for all tumor modules from all TCGA cohorts combined. E Single-sample GSEA scores for tumor modules with high (blue), medium (yellow), and low (gray) novelty scores, across all 16 TCGA cohorts with matching normal tissue data

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