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Fig. 1 | Genome Biology

Fig. 1

From: Demuxafy: improvement in droplet assignment by integrating multiple single-cell demultiplexing and doublet detection methods

Fig. 1

Study design and qualitative method classifications. a Demuxafy is a platform to perform demultiplexing and doublet detecting with consistent documentation. Demuxafy also provides wrapper scripts to quickly summarize the results from each method and assign clusters to each individual with reference genotypes when a reference-free demultiplexing method is used. Finally, Demuxafy provides a script to easily combine the results from multiple different methods into a single data frame and it provides a final assignment for each droplet based on the combination of multiple methods. In addition, Demuxafy provides summaries of the number of droplets classified as singlets or doublets by each method and a summary of the number of droplets assigned to each individual by each of the demultiplexing methods. b Two datasets are included in this analysis - a PBMC dataset and a fibroblast dataset. The PBMC dataset contains 74 pools that captured approximately 20,000 droplets each with 12-16 donor cells multiplexed per pool. The fibroblast dataset contains 11 pools of roughly 7,000 droplets per pool with sizes ranging from six to eight donors per pool. All pools were processed by all demultiplexing and doublet detecting methods and the droplet and donor classifications were compared between the methods and between the PBMCs and fibroblasts. Then the PBMC droplets that were classified as singlets by all methods were taken as ‘true singlets’ and used to generate new pools in silico. Those pools were then processed by each of the demultiplexing and doublet detecting methods and intersectional combinations of demultiplexing and doublet detecting methods were tested for different experimental designs

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